Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Hola mi amigos ha sido un largo tiempo.....

Hi peoples! Wow it has been forver since ive posted.   -_- I feel lame. oh well anyways heres an update on whats happened and whats currently happening:

  1. (this ones pretty obvious) School has started! yay. *note the sarcasm* im taking Algebra 2, Chemistry, American History, American Lit./English, Spanish 1.
  2. Volleyball season started and ended at the end of October with our season stats being 10-4. and we got fourth in the tournament. -_- It was a pretty emotional season.
  3. I get to see my friends a buttload more than last year! YAY! Thats not really an event but I just thought I'd tell you that.
  4. Thanksgiving is over and my Grammy and Papa are in visiting from CA. YAY!
  5. I am only like 2 weeks away from my Christmas break!  Woooohoooooo!!!!
  6. My family and i have been disussing the possibility of flying to CA next year to visit!
So yeah and oh peoples I have a youtube channel and im about to go upload something on it! :D so go check it
theres the link! Anyway peep peace out an ill try to update more often!

Peace, Love and bacony goodness-


Monday, 5 November 2012

You know.......

You know what..... I just want a break. I need a break.   I need some time to myself. Like completely to myself. like i need to go somewhere where i dont know anybody where i can completely be myself. where nobody expects me to act like or be however/whoever they think i should act like/be. cause honestly i dont even think i know who i am. i dont think ive reached my full potential of actually fully and completely being myself. and i dont think ill get to reach that potential until i have the time or the opportunity to go and completely discover myself. or mabye i do know myself. maybe im not happy with myself. so maybe instead of discovering myself......i need to re-discover myself. completely.